Friday, July 13, 2018

A (Non-) Update

Currently our update is that we don't really have an update.

We're on day 52 of our wait for LOA/LSC (Letter of Approval/Letter Seeking Confirmation) which is our approval from China to adopt OUR son. The LSC is literally a letter China sends to our agency after they've approved us, then our agency sends it to us, and by signing it we are saying we confirm we want to adopt this child.

We're hoping for not more than about 2 more weeks of waiting but you just.never.know with China. A couple months ago LOAs were only taking forty-something days but now they're more between 60 and 70 and you'll occasionally see over 90 days.

Once we get our LOA we have a few more steps to complete and no, we don't know when we'll be going to China. Our best case scenario (which I think is pretty unlikely but a girl can dream) would be to be on the short end for all the remaining steps and leave for China at the end of September. October is more likely and November is a possibility if things are slow.

As you probably know we did a tshirt fundraiser through One Mission and we've been so humbled by everyone that has contributed and is helping us bring Cabot home. It's so amazing to have the support of family and friends (and some complete strangers)!