Monday, May 14, 2018


We're DTC!

Are you asking, "Huh?"

Well let me tell you. DTC = Dossier To China. And it's kind of a big deal (in Ron Burgandy voice).

In fact it's such a big deal I made a meme.

This marks the end of our "paper chase." We gathered birth and marriage certificates, medical forms, psychological evaluations, verification of employment, financial statements, and our completed/approved home study. We had police reports ran, wrote an application letter, and included our I800a approval. Then we had ALL those documents notarized. Then we had the notarizations certified by the Secretary of State. Then we had the Secretary of State certifications certified by the United States Department of State. Then we had the state and national certifications authenticated by the Chinese Consulate in Washington D.C. Then all the documents went to our agency, they looked everything over, and FINALLY they sent it to China today. Finally. 

In about a week we'll receive a LID - Log-In Date. That's the day China logs in our dossier and we start counting days until we receive LSC - Letter Seeking Confirmation. The LSC means our dossier has been reviewed, approved, and they are asking us to confirm we want to adopt Cabot.  Currently the average wait from LID to LSC is about 2 months. And of course that's not the end. There are more steps and more waiting after that.

We're currently hoping to travel in September though I sadly have to acknowledge that it could be October. Either way, we're ALL so excited to bring Cab home. 

We're coming for you Cabot! You are so loved!

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