Sunday, September 30, 2018


We received travel approval from China on 9/27! Our agency has now requested an appointment with the US Consulate in Guangzhou and once that is confirmed we'll be able to book our flights!
We're really getting to a hurry up and wait point in this journey...though there's been a lot of that I guess. Once we get that consulate appointment confirmed we'll book our international flights. Our agency takes care of all in-country flights/travel. Then we'll basically just be waiting to leave. Our agency recently switched to only one travel group per month versus every week. This means that since we didn't make it in time for the October travel group (leaving this Thursday) we have to wait until November.  This is definitely a bit of a bummer but we're trusting everything is happening as it's supposed to.

We recently got an update on our son with some answers to questions we were able to ask and new pictures and a video.


How cute is that little wave goodbye?! I die. We are so, so, SO excited to meet you sweet boy!

We're getting so close to the half way mark with our puzzle fundraiser! Check it out here!

Again, thank you ALL for the donations, prayers, comments, and shares - we appreciate them ALL!

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