Monday, March 4, 2013


Ben is an official "scooter" now.  The last few days he has really taken off with the scooting action he does.  He even made it from the living room to the kitchen.  He loves being able to keep up with his sister more and be where the action is. 

I'm going to take just a second to say that it's hard having a child who's different.  I generally try to keep it light and positive but it's hard.  Strangers and people who are just acquaintances ask if the twins are walking and getting into everything and it's getting harder when we say Ben is not.  When he was a little younger you could just smile and say "No, not yet" and they would just think he was a little late to do it but not realize there was a problem.  It was a white lie to avoid telling the story.  Now people wonder why our almost 17 month old son doesn't walk.  Or crawl.  And we have to explain he had a stroke.  And it's hard. 

And it's hard not knowing when he will walk.  Or crawl.  Or IF he'll walk.  My Momma Instincts tell me he will.  When he scoots he uses both legs.  He just does it on his side because he can't use his left arm. 

My Momma Instincts tell me not to worry.  That he'll get there in his own time.  That he'll be happy and healthy.  And that's all this Momma really wants.

So, without further ado, here is our scooter!


  1. Oh Mr Ben! Your scoot is remarkable! I love seeing how much you and your sister change each blog update. Give your mama a kiss and tell her to just sit back and watch all the wonderful gifts God is going to give to you! :)

    1. Thank you, Sabrina! Your encouragement always means so much.

  2. My niece scooted the same way!! We called it her arm crawl. She used one arm and one leg and could get around pretty quick. I love your blogs and can't only imagine putting on that smile to avoid telling people the entire story. We need to have a mommy lunch sometime!!

    1. Absolutely, Nikki! I love following you guys on your blog too!

  3. great post and great video Reanna!! he's so adorable! 17 months already!!

  4. I love him. Don't worry Momma, your instincts are right, he will get there when he's ready. We pray for him every Sunday at Church. Love you!

  5. Yay Ben!!! I'm sure your face was beaming. Does A act excited for him? Btw- my friend Rachel has 3 year old b/g twins. Her little boy had a stroke in utero. He has been doing great. He started off slower but is doing great. She had the same strggles as they developed at such different rates. I'll connect you two on Instagram if you'd like!

    1. I'd love to be connected with your friend, Abby!

  6. Momma always did know best! The strides that our son has made recently are super encouraging and it will be exciting to see him develop over the next few months. Keep scooting, Buddy! Momma is watching you!

  7. What a big boy! He's doing awesome!
