Saturday, November 10, 2018

China - Day 10

We had Cabot's medical exam today. He has to have a visa to travel to the U.S. and anyone traveling to the U.S. has to have a medical exam to be able to get a visa.

There were "stations" we had to go to. The general physical station:

The ENT station:

The nurses station for height and weight:

And last was the TB test/blood draw station. Parents couldn't go in and most kids were understandably coming out very upset, but not this guy! He walked out smiling:

He gave Baba some love while we waited:

NOT my best selfie but it's the first one Cab let me take of the two of us without Baba!

Our agency, Great Wall China Adoptions (GWCA) has six families in China right now. Five of the families, including ours, were together at the start of the trip in Beijing. Then everyone went to their different provinces to get their children. Then we all come back together in Guangzhou for the last week of the trip. It's been so fun to see everyone with their new additions that we talked and shared about the first couple days of our trips. 

There are also other agencies with families adopting now of course and we ran into many other families getting medical exams. It just made my heart so happy to see all these people who have worked just as long and hard as we have, finally united with their kiddos.

This afternoon my mom, Ainsley, and I went shopping at a wholesale pearl market. It was so neat to see all the pearls.

You can pick out a strand you want and they make it into a necklace for you right there. You can also pick and match pearls they make into earrings right on the spot too. I got a simple strand of pearls for Ainsley for if/when she gets married as well as for Benson and Cabot for their wives if/when they get married. Now I just have to not lose them for like 20 years.

As always, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your love and support!

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