Sunday, August 7, 2011

25 Weeks

So I'm a little late but I'm 25 weeks pregnant with the twins!

This has been a busy week! I worked on my day off Tuesday. My mom could have killed me I think because she said I needed to rest but I really want an iPad and some B-Rate never hurts.

Work has been getting much harder. I am pretty much in constant pain after about 4 hours most days. I had a really rough day Wednesday and started to question whether I'll be able to work until I have the babies. I've decided my goal is to make it to 32 weeks which will allow me to maintain my pay through any disability and maternity leave. Hopefully the babies agree. Also, I've decided a paper chain is in order. Anyone else love paper chains? We always had one to count down to Christmas.

This week Baby Center says the babies are 13&1/2 inches long and weigh a pound and a half - the size of a rutabaga (whatever that is). However, Benson was 1lb 11oz last week so he's kind of kicking butt. They are starting to get some baby fat and grow more hair.

This week we also made some salsa from tomatoes from our garden. Jeremy HATES tomatoes but LOVES salsa so he was pretty excited about this. We just used a packet of seasoning (Mrs. Wages) and canned two batches.

We also made this Apple Sage Pork Roast

As we were getting ready to eat I said, "You know what would be good with this?"


"Some All Night White."

"Oh! Yeah! I think I'll have some!."

"Mmmm Hmmmm."

Well, that's it for now. Hope you all have had a great week!

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