Monday, February 28, 2011

They're In!

We had our embryo transfer today. It was really a great day - Jeremy had the whole day off (as did I, of course). I had acupuncture this morning and then we went to Granite City for lunch before the transfer. It was delicious, as usual.

Then we went in and transferred two embryos. We have five embryos they have frozen already and five more they are watching and will freeze whatever they can.

Here they are:

Awww - so cute!


  1. Thinking of you Reanna, keep us posted!!!

  2. Thinking and praying for all of you!

  3. Good Luck, Re. Thinking of you both!

  4. I'm guessing that since there hasn't been another blog entry that either you still don't know or there isn't good news. I'm sorry! I'll keep praying!

  5. Hope things are going well! Looks like it's been awhile since you updated.

    My cousin is going through the same thing but she doesn’t like to talk about it so I have no idea how the whole process works. Thank you for sharing your story. Gave me a little glimpse into what my cousin is going though.

    Kendra aka "Domestic Princess in Training"
