Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday, October 29th

The twins hope everyone had a good Saturday!

They have both had a good day! Ainsley has continued to eat well and the doctor changed her feedings to ad lib every three hours. This means she can eat what she wants on her three hour schedule with a minimum of 40ml. If she does well with this tomorrow he will change her to ad lib on demand meaning she can eat what she wants when she wants and if that goes well tomorrow she could go home Monday. Which seems CRAZY! Even if it isn't Monday she will likely be going home the early to middle part of this next week!

We still don't have any sort of schedule for Benson and are just trying to be patient while he figures this whole eating thing out. I think I mentioned yesterday he is bottling just twice a day this weekend and Amy, the speech therapist, will check with us on Monday to see how it has been going. I think he is making some small gains and will hopefully get there soon.

They both got mobiles for their cribs! They are pretty fun!

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